WorryWoos Club - Newcastle!

We are excited to announce that WorryWoo Club is HERE!

Location: Charlestown, Newcastle NSW

Who is this for?

For children age 5-9 years who may have challenges around:

  • Anxiety
  • Negative thoughts
  • Sadness / depression
  • Anger
  • Social skills

... basically any parent who is looking to better equip their child in the areas of social & emotional wellbeing!

Program Structure:

The program includes seven sessions. Each session has a focus on supporting children in a particular area.

Session 1 - Understanding Frustration

Session 2 - Understanding Worry & Anxiety

Session 3 - Understanding Anxious Behaviour: Avoidance

Session 4 - Understanding Anxious Behaviour: Indecision

Session 5 - Understanding Negative Thinking: Self Doubt (Nola)

Session 6 -Understanding Insecurity and Self Doubt

Session 7 - Understanding Social Skills

How the program will help:

  • Adult-child interaction will provide immediate reinforcement for brave/positive/social thinking skills
  • Play experiences will focus on understanding anxiety and how the brain works
  • Use of cognitive behavioural therapeutic techniques (WorryWoo plush, props, books, role play, games, science) will provide a fun way to understand and cope with thoughts, feelings & behaviour.
  • Sharing of group experiences will increase situational learning.
  • Experiences will reveal each child’s strengths and challenges in social interactions, conflict resolution, listening, sense of control, understanding of emotions, and frustration tolerance


  • Increase child understanding of anxiety, negativity of thought and self-doubt
  • Increase child’s ability to identify and apply social skills
  • Increase each participants ability to cope with anxiety/negativity
  • Build confidence and a positive sense of self
  • Increase participant awareness of the connection between anxiety, insecurity and avoidance
  • Advance empathy and perspective taking
  • Advance parent/carer understanding of their child’s thinking processes, feelings & behaviour along with tools to promote brave behaviour, coping mechanisms, positive thinking & social skills.
  • Reveal each child’s strengths and challenges in social interactions, conflict resolution, listening, sense of control, understanding of emotions, and frustration tolerance

At the end of this course, children will learn to:

Reduce avoidance of stress

Improve communication related to feelings and emotional vocabulary

Control their behaviour and minimise negative thinking.

Email us at hello@wonderfulme.com.au to find out more!